Contact Me
Email me at
I'm not going to give you a menu of options on a phone tree and pretend like the options have changed. I'm also definitely not going to the trouble of creating a bunch of different emails that you have to choose from (training@, tips@, etc.) that all funnel into the same inbox anyways. And not-so-fun fact: Gmail doesn't let you have the word "account" in an email name, so I couldn't do theexcelaccountant. So that's why you should just email me at the one email address I have.
Reasons to contact me:
You want to learn more about a personalized fraud or Excel training.
You like the content and want to provide words of encouragement.
You noticed an error in my content or have recommendations for improvement.
You just want to say hi.
You're a Samsung representative willing to buy me a new fridge from another company and throw out my p.o.s. broken Samsung fridge (I have a vendetta against my Samsung fridge. Just google "Samsung fridge broken" and you'll see I'm not alone. If you're reading this and I prevented you from buying a Samsung fridge, I will consider this website a success. Have I put Samsung fridge in here enough to trip a search algorithm yet?)
You want to send me money as a thank you for the awesome help. You can do that here: Note that I don't actually drink coffee. Your money will probably go towards a beer or my dogs' food. Here are pictures of my dogs in case that entices you to send them money.
Reasons not to contact me:
You have an offer for an extended car warranty or Medicare plan.
You are a Nigerian prince with millions to give away, but you just need my bank account information.
You noticed an error in my content and are going to be mean about it.
On a legal note, I should also clarify: I am not an official product partner with Microsoft. If you're a Microsoft representative reading this and think I'm violating any trademark or copyright issues, please let me know. Or if you want to become an official partner, that's cool too. Just please don't shut down my site without telling me first, I'm just a little guy trying to help the masses use your product. And you'll notice I don't make any references to a certain competitor of yours... because Excel is my one-and-only.
Shout-out to the following for their images/shared content: